“A professional logo design represent the company in the market and must transmit the correct message to make the business more profitable. It is my job to help you to realise this ambitious aim.”
It does not matter how your company, product or service are attractive for the audience, if the logo does not correctly reflect your points of strength. An unsuitable company identity will attract the wrong audience for your company. Time is precious so better not risk wasting it dealing with potential customers whom you are not really interested in. This is a relevant problem when starting a new business. I elaborated a logo design process, which I apply to every project, aiming to make sure that the brand can communicate the values and points of strength of the company.
Before developing the graphic drafts, I closely work with my customers. Through the drawing up of a brief, that will be filled, completed and confirmed by the customer, it will be outlined a synthetic list of goals which will guide me in creating a professional logo expressing the values to be communicated to the market: this will result in logo which will be optimal for its goal, a the same time my customers will perfectly assisted in building and acquainting themselves with their new identity.
When I submit you the graphic drafts I will explain you in detail how the graphic idea has been achieved and the process of its realization, I will also supply suggestion about the most suitable direction to reach the greatest success.
If want to learn more about the creation of a professional logo design look at the process of the logo design creation.