Website Design
Lymphatica Medtech
Customer request
Lymphatica is a spin-off company of the Angiology Division of the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV) and the Laboratory of Lymphatic and Cancer Bioengineering of the Federal Polytechnic of Lausanne, and in this case the logo restyling, which was also commissioned for the restyling of your website. The main problem of the website was in the era of non-responsiveness and the ability to display most mobile devices, which in the past were also very useful for browsing the web.
Design idea
The images here below, give a real preview of the site on various devices, and also show how the site will be viewed on tablets and smartphones. White predominates, giving a sense of cleanliness to the layout, and gif animations have been created with the 3D models, which help to better understand the lymphatic flow. The website template was designed and implemented for the WordPress platform.
The colors refer to the restyling logo created.
WordPress design, responsive layout for MedTech Swiss company
Lausanne, Switzerland
Website design
CMYK colors | C80 M10 Y45 K41 | C80 M10 Y45 K0 | C85 M42 Y0 K0 | C98 M85 Y0 K15 |
Responsive layout
Wordpress template, custom-developed in layout and graphics, and in harmony with the brand’s identity. The layout will be based on a fluid grid and will therefore automatically adapt to any device viewing it, furthermore correct display on all the most popular browsers on the market.